Tuesday, August 2, 2011

This girl said she had a dream about me. But i need advice?

Me and this girl dated back in november but we never got to the point of love. we dated 5 days after we met and barely knew eachother thats probably why we broke up. but after that she dated her lifelong best friend n he cheated 3 times on her in two weeks in january. now there done. but the whole time shes always initiated contact wanting to talk to me. i never initiate it she always IMs me n texts me first. i guess im like her best guy friend. and were really close and i still kinda like her. and she wants to talk to me every day. but tonight at like 1am she texts me just to see what im up and stuff and we talk n she mentioned how she had a dream that her and i had a baby together. i told her not to long ago that itd be nice if wed start talking again but she said she wants to stay by herself for a while n not "talk" to anyone. but she still wants to just talk every day and just talk about anything. but why would she be having a dream of me n her having a baby together?

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